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Name Change Certificate Authentication

Name Change Certificate Authentication and Legalization Following a Legal Name Change – Apostille Name Change

Many people change their name when they are getting married, divorced other they do it for personal or professional reasons.  In Canada changing your name involves different procedures depending on your age and other circumstances.  The law governing name change is the Change of Name Act.

Upon having all your documents in order, you will need to submit them to Global Affairs Canada to be authenticated.  Once they are authenticated they must be submitted to the embassy of the country that your document requiring the update from.  Each foreign embassy has its own procedures for having specific documents legalized and as a result, you will need to be aware of your embassy’s particular process.  

While the procedure of authentication and legalization of Name Change Certificate appear easy, going through the process is a complex task.  Using our service at Document Legalization of Canada we can save you money, time, and significant due diligence.  Doing the process on your own will take you weeks through Global Affairs Canada to have them authenticate your document if they are not prepared as per their guidelines.   Call our Document Expert Agent at 1-833-700-5342 or email us at [email protected] for a free quote.

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