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Canadian Incorporation Certificate Apostille – Authentication & Legalization

Apostille of Canadian Corporate Documents – Authentication & Legalization

Incorporation Certificate Apostille, often called Authentication and Legalization or Attestation, is a procedure required of Canadian-registered corporations in order to produce corporate documents for use in international commercial dealings outside of Canada. This requires either an apostille certificate for member nations or the two-step process of legalization and authentication for non-Hague Apostille countries.

Apostille Article of Incorporation in Canada

If a Canadian business intends to conduct business overseas, it must have its articles of incorporation and other legal documents apostilled.

An attestation or an apostille may be required by certain foreign countries. This procedure, known as authentication and legalization in Canada, entails the cooperation of Global Affairs Canada and the embassy of the nation in which you plan to conduct business.

This guide explains the steps involved in obtaining the document and getting it ready for international recognition. It also covers the page on the incorporation authentication process in Canada.

How to Apostille, Authentication or Attestation Article of Incorporation in Canada;

Authenticating or apostille your article of incorporation is a three-step process:

  1. Document Preparation
  2. Authentication or *Apostille (As of January 11, 2024 Canada joined the Hauge Apostille Convention)
  3. Legalization in case the country not a signatory to the Hauge Apostille Convention

Make sure you have the required documents as your initial step. A Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Amalgamation, Certificate of Good Standing, Director’s Resolutions, Certificate of Residency, or a Representation Agreement, among other documents, may be required if you intend to conduct business overseas or establish a subsidiary, for example.

The next step is to have a Canadian notary public notarize your articles of incorporation after you’ve made this determination. A business document can be notarized by any Canadian notary whose signature is on file with Global Affairs Canada.

The next step is to send your document to Global Affairs Canada after it has been notarized for certificate of authentication if the country is not member to the Hauge Apostille Convention.

Expedited Apostille Service of Article of Incorporation & Corporate Documents

This article explains what is apostille article of incorporation as well notarizing, authentication and legalization in Canada so that it can be used internationally.

It can be a difficult and time consuming procedure to prepare your articles of incorporation and submit them to Global Affairs Canada for authentication as well as the relevant embassy or consulate for legalization. There are several parties involved and particular protocols that must be followed.

We at Document Legalization of Canada can assist with the legalization or apostille of corporate documents such as articles of incorporation in Canada. In order to save you time and stress, we handle all the paperwork on your behalf. Call our toll-free  1-833-700-5342 to speak with our accredited apostille specialist about getting a quote and a free document evaluation.

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