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Superlegalization and Verification of Canadian Document

What does superlegalization entail? Why is this process necessary to complete?

The process via which the documents are verified by each succeeding authority is known as superlegalization, or just legalization. Ensuring that documents originated in one country can be used officially in another is the primary goal of this process. Documents from Canada that are meant to be used in the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, or Slovak Republic, for instance, must go through the superlegalization process. The relevant consulates must superlegalize the documents after they have been authenticated by government officials.

Not every document that is in existence can be superlegalized. This procedure is typically required for the majority of secondary school records, college degrees, birth certificates, and marriage licenses.

Superlegalization is no longer necessary, though, as Canada ratified the Hague Apostille Convention (which went into force on January 11, 2024). Instead, a Canadian apostille will be needed for your documents.

For further information regarding the superlegalization, or apostille, of Canadian documents, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our accredited Apostille specialist.

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